Sorry, trouble retrieving order receipt.
If you get “trouble retrieving order receipt” it means that you did not made any payment OR you opened this page faster than payment being confirmed by my website. Refresh page in 1 minute.
The receipt with download links is also emailed (example email), Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo users receive well, but if you used a name@company email, certain companies use custom spam filtering and may block emails from my WordPress.
Please check if email arrived, if it did not, you risk to miss future emails that notify you when database updates are available, case in which I recommend you to save download links in your computer and click them again to re-download updates in the future (the link is valid 1 year and does not change when database is updated).
Leave comments and review my work
Avoid quick praising like “Thank you Teoalida, I received database“. Please take your time and write LONGER comments, 20-100 words are ideal, mention which database did you purchased and review the database itself in a way that people who visit my website in the future to be encouraged to purchase as well. Eventually mention how long were you looking for a database and if you had bad experiences with other data providers. Take example from Damir comment or from this detailed review received via email.
Please post comment in the page of the the database you purchased, either on the About Me page. DO NOT post comments in this Purchase Confirmation page, which is usually NOT seen by future visitors until they purchase as well (I can move comments but it means extra effort from me to identify which database did you purchased and move your comment to right page).
I also didn’t got email notification for your purchase, but when I click “resend receipt” it arrive immediately. This happens to 2-5% customers, and at this moment I DON’T KNOW WHY automated email is not sent.
Anyone have such problems please contact me using LiveChat in lower-right corner of website. Posting comments does NOT guarantee a fast reply.
Received email after a while – all good!