Data sourced from and, compiled in Excel for easy use for researchers and businesses. After purchase I offer you one FREE update, for next updates you need to pay 50% per update.

Simple, estates database
Region, district, estate, age, total units,
transacted prices per sq ft.
Updated May 2018 – 3364 rows
Updated July 2020 – 3417 rows

Detailed, buildings database
Region, district, estate, phase, block, number of floors,
units per floor, total units, occupation date
Updated May 2018

Housing Authority
PRH / TPS estates and HOS / PSPS courts with 36 columns of data, all possible data from HKHA Estate Locator
Updated May 2018

Original 2011 database
Housing Authority 400 estates, source:
Housing Society 48 estates, source:
Private housing 1300 estates, source: and combined, including floor area ranges.
I created a database of Housing Authority and Housing Society public housing estates early as 2011 from my personal interest during initial research of Hong Kong.
Few months later, an insurance company saw it and contacted me asking me for details regarding private apartment sizes in each district, so I voluntarily offered to extend my research to private estates too. Was the first time I was doing a large project at someone’s request rather than personal interest, I made the mistake of not discussing the price before starting the job, when I realized that I have spent about 100 hours compiling data manually, I attempted to ask $200, but they never paid me… so I stopped working and never gave them the extended database.
It was database was complete for public housing, all 400 Housing Authority estates, all 48 Housing Society estates, and 1300+ private developments (all estates and most important individual buildings), it contains, block types, number of blocks, number of apartments and their flat size range, also an incomplete list of demolished estates (please contribute if you know any other demolished estate not listed in it!). FREE sample include biggest 92 private estates. The database being mixed from 2 sources, is a bit messy. I will finalize database and update it if needed, when I find a customer paying for my effort.
A year later I published Hong Kong housing database on website for anyone else to purchase it if needed, at same time I published the Singapore Housing Database, which currently gets sales every month.
By 2016, nobody ever paid for my work, I created a new database sourcing data from Centadata only, this time using web scraping technologies learned one year earlier, and put it for sale at lower price. 1 person purchased in 2017.
In May 2018 been contacted by a customer interested in a housing database detailed to individual buildings so I worked with my programmer partner to make a more complex script to scrap data from Centadata website and I also made myself Housing Authority database. One more customer purchased detailed database in June 2018.
By end-2019 only 5 people purchased Hong Kong housing databases, consequently I did not dedicated my time for Hong Kong anymore, I focus on other projects with better sales: Singapore housing databases and car databases. See all databases made by me (100+ databases).
Districts: Central & Western, Wan Chai, Eastern, Southern, Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong, Kwai Chung & Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, North, Tai Po, Shatin, Sai Kung & Tseung Kwan O, Islands, Marine.
List of all their HOS projects.
Is the first time I see this PDF… do I should do anything with it regarding my Excel database?
Hi, Teolida
I noted that you have several database for Hong Kong Housing. Would like to know
1. if your database is up today as at 2017?
2. How much you would charge of routine update of data? and how long it takes?
3. Will user be able to work with your excel containing the full address
4. Has accuracy of the address be proven?
I moved your comment to Hong Kong Housing Database page, why did you left it in Contact page?
You contacted me via chat too after you left comment and asked other questions. To answer above questions: up as 2017? as written on page got THIS MONTH a customer interested in database with individual buildings so I just created database detailed to buildings and at same time updated the estates and Housing Authority databases. You can be 2nd person who purchase detailed database. Another 2 people purchased smaller databases and none of them was interested in updates. If you want regular updates we can arrange them. Scraping simple database takes 15 min and detailed database takes about 40 hours. I can”t comment about address accuracy because it is in chinese.
Chat started on Thursday, August 30, 2018 11:51:16 AM
(11:51:16 AM) *** Visitor 40344298 has joined the chat ***
(11:51:18 AM) Teoalida (site owner): Hi there… are you looking for a specific database? you are welcome for a chat!
(11:51:42 AM) Visitor 40344298: hi
(11:51:53 AM) *** Teoalida has joined the chat ***
(11:51:55 AM) Visitor 40344298: i am looking for hong kong housing database
(11:52:15 AM) Teoalida: Feel free to buy
(11:53:40 AM) Visitor 40344298: is your data updated?
(11:53:55 AM) Teoalida: In may 2018
(11:54:14 AM) Teoalida: How often do you want updates in the future?
(11:57:08 AM) Visitor 40344298: I am looking for hong kong properties past transaction data
(11:57:29 AM) Visitor 40344298: yours dont have right?
(11:57:51 AM) Teoalida: Have you checkeg my samples?
(11:58:36 AM) Teoalida: Previous customer told me to create these databases for buildings and year of construction
(11:59:05 AM) Teoalida: I may be able to make also a database of transactions for you
(12:01:16 PM) *** Visitor 40344298 has left ***
Please contact me if you ever visit my website again! I can help you!