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Jhonny – a possible friend of my grandmother leaving stupid comments on my website

14 March 2011, a very dubious person posted a public comment with poorly written english, even his name was misspelled “Jhonny“, related to my Biography, where I stated that I love going out, making friends, etc, and I hate handicapped people.

I answered without knowing who is him, other people answered too and this started a huge debate which made me to laugh like hell.

Jhonny turned to be a person living near me but without knowing me personally, who was fooled by my grandparents (my grandma have a bad habit to lie people about my willings, she ban me from having friends or publishing photos online, etc, and claim that I am disabled person to motivate her abuses against me), Jhonny found my website and was surprised that I have high abilities that my grandma told nothing, he called me for a meeting, and despite that I accepted meeting to show him the truth about who I am, he started accusing me for lying and made fake claims to prove that I am personally not willing to come to meeting, not willing / ashamed to share photos, etc. He claims that has photoed me in balcony from opposite building and these photos are the only existing photos with me. Actually I had numerous friends that my grandma knew nothing about it, and my photos were posted on website on a hidden page, giving page URL to anyone living in my city, if asked.

Note: all the talk in this page were originally PUBLIC comments left in a Comments Widget that appeared in the Home Page and Biography, I moved that Widget on a separate page named Funny chat and the arguing continued for about one month, until Jhonny stopped visiting my website or answering at e-mails.
In august 2011, many Comments Widgets got broken due of this error, the 29 comments (not counting the bad ones deleted by me), remained visible only in the admin panel.
Although the case ended unsolved (Jhonny do not visit my website or reply to emails anymore), I copied the comments from the admin panel into this page to allow others to laugh again and comment the mysterious case.


For you Teoalida:correctly is Milky Way.My name is Jhon(of course is not the real name)and i’m not shame to admit that i am a romanian.Are you sure that you IQ is high,how can you prove that thing?When you was last time at shopping and where did you go?Why are you against retarded or handicapped persons?What did them wrong:came in this world?Bye bye.

Why you should be shame to say that you live in a certain country?
I don’t need anything more to prove, simply many friends said that I have a high IQ and a psychological test may confirm this.
I go in shopping malls with every chance, but is a little exaggerate, I go for looking, not always for shopping to waste my money or parents money. I also shopped on eBay.
The world is full by retards with no skills but which are doing bad things. Several incidents happened in my neighborhood related with handicapped persons, that made me a (bad) habit to avoid them…
Why you don’t add me on messenger?

Why you should be shame to say that you live in a certain country?Ask yourself Teoalida.If you didn’t know,the country where you live is on the upper part on the identity card.You have an identity card don’t you?The big difference between us is that you live in a imaginary world and myself in the real world.Two things that prove it:you shopped on eBay I go shopping on the real markets,you talk with another people on the P.C. I talk face to face or at the fone.That why I did’t add you on messenger.I wonder if I meet you face to face what happend?You also can talk with people with your tongue and mouth not only with the computer tasts?That is the real world Teoalida not Enter,Backspace,Ctrl,Alt,Delete.Bye bye.

You are a perfect example of retarded idiot that I hate.
I am curious what other visitors of my site will think about you!
How you can tell me to look at my ID card, you think that I don’t know where I live!? You’re blind, my website SHOWS 4 times where I live, even if this was not neccessary since my website is targeted worldwide and gets only few visitors from my country.
If I shopped on eBay means that I never shop on local markets? wrong!
If I chat on internet means that I never have real life friends? wrong!
Your IP is from Bucharest. When you come to Ploiesti, let’t talk face to face?

And if I come in Ploiesti you’re out of your ivory tower and accept unit us face to face?I doubt very seriously about this…You and your high IQ can convince myself to sit all day long on the computer and converse with you?Bad luck Teoalida:I pretty well know Ploiesti where you wants to unite us?I’m waiting for your proposal concerning the place of meeting but I’m sure you not want a meet a retarded idiot.I’m also curious if the website visitors do not ask questions why not displayng any picture with his Majesty Teoalida.Bye bye.

Ok, “jhonny”, you are a true disgrace to wannabe english-speaking people, you can’t even spell your fake name correctly. and start picking on people of your own size. secondly, I do hope you realize what stupid remarks you can make, also by trying to use another language which, to be honest, does not suit you, mate. so just drop it.

Copilu’ Libertatii:
teoalida vezi ca k localizarea ipului e cam vaga… de ex si mie imi arata aiurea k as fii din bucuresti deci io cred k idiotu asta e din ploiesti si a auzit barfe false d la nebunii de cartier si acu face mijto d tine

Jhonny = big R.E.T.A.R.D

1. cum pula mea poti zice asa ceva d majestatea sa teoalida??? cum pula mea sa nu jtie unde locuieste de’i zici sa se uite in buletin??? unde pizda masii ii e rusine sa zica k’i roman? tu ejti roman si unul chior d tot d nu vezi Teoalida’s Maps k e harta ploiesti? nu vezi la Palace k scrie k’i din ploiesti? nu vezi la Countries k scrie k’i din romania? nu vezi la FUN page cat a scris d romania? in acelasi timp un singaporez kre intra p pagina dedicata singapore si kre nu rasfoieste restu saitului ar crede k teoalida e din singapore desi nu scrie nicaeri k ar fii din singapore
2. saitu l’a facut intentionat asa cu pagini dedicate diferitelor tari si d’aia nu are nici un rost sa dea locatia exacta p prima pagina…teoalida cunoaste intreaga lume atat d bine incat vbeste cu straini fara k ei sa’si dea seama k teoalida nu e din tara lor.. da dak e intrebat nu minte p nimeni
3. e f corect si adevarat cum a scris “I am a GLOBAL person who does not live in any specific country of this world” kre parte din GLOBAL PERSON n’o intelegi retardatule???
4. si pt incultura ta de cacat internetu e VIRTUAL nu imaginar…internetu i’a imbunatatit viata reala alu teoalida nu i’a inlocuito.. teoalida castiga mii de dolari cu internetu asta, c conteaza k ebayu e magazin virtual teoalida si’a comandat produse REALE d p ebay
5. egzista poze cu teoalida p site… era o pagina privata gen si poti intra doar dak iti da teoalida link ce’l dreaq intereseaza p un businessman american sau singaporez poze cu majestatea sa teoalida??? d’aia nu inteaba nimeni
6. vrei sa aflii adevaru fa’i o vizita lu teoalida asa cum au facut’o si altii…da trimite’i p mess o poza cu tine k sa stie k tu esti sa’ti dea drumu la usa
7. teoalida e f inteligent iar tu ejti un IDIOT nu’l cunosti in realitate nu tie rusine sa faci asemenea acuzatii false legate d viata lui reala???/
8. fututi mortii matii Jhonny ejti un mare cacat de handicapat nenorocit

Teoalida you expect me?The rules are these:when you go to the bathroom and urinate really need to draw water(you can not leave urine in the toilet),you brush your teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush(do you know what are those?)twice daily(see that you have a bad breath),the underarm and ”balls”(something you not have-as you did not say where and when you want to unit us)every day and bath once a week.I’m sure your parents told you your stuff, but if you didn’t saw written to your computer you not understand, even if they repeted hundred of times.Bye bye.

What you do on this site Teoalida is great, but things ordinary people do: give to sweep through the house, dusting, wash away, wash dishes after eating, go to work, wet flowers, brush carpet? Or the tower ivory do not need cleaning? Can you say your majesty trapped as an person-we call him Victor-will you a prisoner in the ivory tower. Victor damn you do not could let outside Teoalida you meeting with me! I know from whole soul Teoalida would like to meet with me, but he can’t because not let Victor. But if you take and Victor at the meeting and both have come Teoalida what do you say? Speak Teoalida you may agrees to Victor that way. Teoalida wants to answer but he can not,because see everyone that His Majesty that is in naked ass, which is more understood by you Copilu’ libertatii I’ve shown everyone what kind of man he is. And if you think that is telling us who showed pictures of him, plus he said he wants to unite, and now silent. We all know that silence is an answer.Bye bye.

Ming Tao:
Who is admin here please delete all these comments, especially Jhonny ones. Jhonny, saying such STUPID THINGS is disgraceful for this site and even more disgraceful for yourself too. Your english is horrible, I hardly understand more than 20%. You proved yourself that you are a big idiot, you have mental problems. I suggest you to consult a psycholgist. Not counting that your comments are totally unrelated with the content of this website. Whoever is Teoalida, is an intelligent person who may become a very good architect. Teoalida’s english is very good. The website is enough proof. I don’t think that any part of what are you saying is true. This is a professional website, not family website or social network, so displaying personal pictures is pointless. Internet chatting with people from other parts of world is common practice in 21st century. Online shopping is common practice in 21st century. Jhonny, do you know in which century are you living?

I LAUGHED A LOT!! Silence is an answer? NO!! I said that I will let others to say a opinion about you, and explain my situation.
Copilu’ Libertatii and others did pretty well… also I wanted to consult with several friends before answering. How many people needs to tell you that you are an idiot and how bad is your english, to understand? You proved yourself how idiot you are, you should have no rights to comment about my IQ. Are you an undercover police officer, undercover psychologist, undercover wannabe friend or something? I have the right to not show my private life on this public website. If you want to know the private life, let’s talk elsewhere, messenger or face-to-face. I have no idea from where you hear such informations but most of them are false. I decided to give a chance to every retarded idiot to know the truth about me. Ca admin al site-ului am intalnit multe cazuri in care locatia IPului e aratata gresit, sunt 90% sigur ca esti din Ploiesti si probabil stii deja adresa mea, zi doar cati ani ai si la ce ora ai putea veni, eventual da link la o poza cu tine ca sa stiu ca tu esti.
1. QUOTE: and i’m not shame to admit that i am a romanian. I did not realized that you are referring at me since clearly I am NOT shame, proof: I wrote 4 times about Romania, but in Biography I simply said I am a GLOBAL person because this suits better for me.
2. QUOTE: I’m sure your parents told you your stuff, but if you didn’t saw written to your computer you not understand, even if they repeted hundred of times.
3. I never understood what do you mean with IVORY TOWER (turnul de fildes)
4. I have NO IDEA why you tell me such “rules” and “ordinary things”. Also you confuse virtual with imaginary, some people earns via internet more real money than people who have a regular job.
5. QUOTE: Can you say your majesty trapped as an person-we call him Victor-will you a prisoner in the ivory tower. Victor damn you do not could let outside Teoalida you meeting with me! I know from whole soul Teoalida would like to meet with me, but he can’t because not let Victor. But if you take and Victor at the meeting and both have come Teoalida what do you say? Speak Teoalida you may agrees to Victor that way. Teoalida wants to answer but he can not,because see everyone that His Majesty that is in naked ass, which is more understood by you Copilu’ libertatii I’ve shown everyone what kind of man he is. I TOTALLY DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS PART… your english is horrible!

Everyone who wants pictures with Teoalida post email here and I will send to the adress indicated.As poor Teoalida when passing a police car,ambulance,fire,etc quicly out to the balcony and in that way it was photographed.Or give us his Majesty Teoalida link to see pictures of him in the end although I think not.He knows why he didn’t shows pictures with himself and now everybody wants to see it?If we do not show pictures with Teoalida he may look even Victor.Haven you forgotten Victor:guardian,keeper of the ivory tower.Bye bye.

Everyone who wants pictures with Teoalida post email here and I will send to the adress indicated FASTER THAN JHONNY CAN SEND!! Did you know that at every comment received I got notification on e-mail? … For your idiocy, I don’t go out in balcony to photograph every police or ambulance, I go in balcony at peak hours to see how it is making way through heavy traffic. If you ever saw me with camera in balcony, I am ready to record IN CASE of an accident happens. No such accident happened so far… so I just laugh how reckless drivers disturbs the ambulance way… About my photos, as Copilu’ Libertatii said, I have photos on a hidden page of website for all and only friends from my city, you could simply say that you are from Ploiesti and I showed you right away… I will not delete comments but I will keep them on other page than main page… after I meet this idiot who seems to live near me, same building with Copilu’ Libertatii… there’s a serious ISSUE here and I need to prove the truth before things go worse.

Copilu’ Libertatii:
Teoalida fa dreaqului un FORUM p saitu asta sa putem si noi comunica prin mesaje prv nu numai prin comenturi si app io nu stau in blocu 9 JHONNY MORTII MASII CAN YOU SPEAK ROMANIAN?? sa moara familia mea de inteleg ceva din ultimile 3 commenturi ale tale… bag in google transator si iese o pula, e adv k translatoarele is de cacat da vad k nici teoalida si nici chinezu ala nu intelege…e klar ejti un handicapat habar n’ai engleza si ejti roman asa k d c dreaq scri in engleza? imi vine sa’mi bag pula’n tine la ce cacaturi debitezi d teoalida app cine mortii masii e victor???/ ia da si mie p mess pozele p care le ai tu pls…idu meu freedom_raknet si explica’mi cine mama draq ar pune idu aici sa astepte sa’i trimiti u poze knd ii poate da add lu teoalida si cere poze direkt lui??? mi’a dat deja o goaza d poze io’s preten fidel

Teoalida yoy have nothing better to do than to record any possible accident that might happen on the street?Why you not give pictures with you only of your city Ploiesti?People from Bucharest,Hong Kong or Singapore is not worth photos with you majesty?You know very well that Victor not allow you to meet with me so drop it.Traducerea la ultimul citat este: nu vedeti majestate ca sunteti inchisa de o persoana-o numim Victor-care te tine prizonier in turnul de fildes? Victor sa te ia naiba ca nu il lasi pe Teoalida afara sa se intilneasca cu mine!Stiu ca din tot sufletul Teoalida vrea sa se intilnesca cu mine,dar nu poate pentru ca nu il lasa Victor. Dar daca l-ai lua si pe Victor si ati veni amindoi la intilnire ce zici Teoalida?Vorbeste Teoalida cu Victor poate este de acord in acest fel.Bye bye

Copilu’ Libertatii:
bah c prost am fost..trebia sa’mi dau seama cine e “victor kre il tine inchis p teoalida” victor era vorba de taicasu
da ejti retardat rau…in primu rand teoalida are apartamentu lui nu mai sta cu tasu din 2007 in al doilea rand nu-l tine nimeni inchis in kasa problema e alta si anume amenintarile (nu fac public p site alte detalii, astea se vb in privat cu persoane autorizate)
asa k da’l in pula mea de victor…o groaza d prieteni au fost acasa la teoalida fara nici o problema e randul tau sa’i faci o vizita
app..ce dreaq e turnu de fildes?

Teoalida, tu nu realizezi ca asta face misto de tine? cica daca faci baie si daca tragi apa la WC…doamneeee… toata lumea face asta, nu trebuie sa-i dovedesti nimic! el poate dovedi ca nu faci? fara sa fi fost la tine? nu mai spera ca vine la tine, a zis la misto, sarcasm, stie unde stai si daca vroia sa vina venea deja. auzi la el cica vorbeste doar fata in fata…probabil nici nu stie sa foloseasca messengerul, mai mult de 10 ani nu are!

si nu mai arata pozele la toata lumea… cine stie ce ganduri are, le pune pe hi5 si face misto de tine (desi nu cred ca ii duce capul)
si cred ca se referea ca ti-a facut tie poze la balcon… urat din partea lui, pozeaza pe cineva fara acordul lui si pe proprietate privata.

With such horrible english I can’t be sure what he mean, but I don’t think that he referred about taking photo of me, BECAUSE… why he would do that without asking me before? Why he would think that I am afraid to appear in public, afraid to take photos myself or afraid to be photoed by others? NO, I am not afraid… UNLESS YOU PHOTO ME HAVING SEX IN BALCONY WITH ANOTHER GIRL THAN MY 3 GIRLFRIENDS, and, I guarantee, this will not happens. Why he would ran in his balcony to photo me in my balcony from at least 45 meters away (that’s distance to opposite building), I really saw some kids taking photos with their mobile phones from sidewalk, and I didn’t hide, don’t say that your mobile phone take good photos with 200x zoom because due of other conditions your photos will be NEVER so good like my ones….. What can be better for police than an accident recorded caught on camera? Otherwise is useless, and as I said in Biography, I also love doing useless things….. Jhonny, explain me why someone from Hong Kong would want and what would do my photos, other than curiousity….. Cristi, calm down, how I can trust idiots like Jhonny who not even said a verifyable e-mail or any Yahoo ID older than one year….. The reason for which I show photos to local people… is exactly to prevent such paparazzi-like behavior, also to allow people to say Hello! in case they see me on street.

but I’m sure you not want a meet a retarded idiot
You know very well that Victor not allow you to meet with me so drop it.
These are your excuses to avoid meeting? are you afraid or something?
There’s NO “victor” involved here, so just drop it! Nobody else would not allow our meeting, so COME ON!!

My name is Victor, I’m from Ploiesti and I want a photo with you my star Teoalida.You can send it at the mail adress [email protected]. If you don’t send I will ask Jhonny to send his pictures with you.Thanks you very much.

QUOTE:”In case they see me on street” What street Teoalida?Those on Google Earth?Turnul de fildes este inchisoarea in care este inchis pe termen nelimitat Teoalida.Copilu’ libertatii tu de ce nu ai fost acasa la Teoalida?Ai vazut poze cu el si te-ai speriat?The distance to oposite building is max. 30 meters not 45 Teoalida.What high scool tou graduated Teoalida and give me the name of three classmates so I can check.Bye bye.

If you don’t send I will ask Jhonny to send his pictures with you.Thanks you very much.
Don’t try to fool with me, YOU FAIL!! Jhonny you left a comment using “Victor” name and I think that the “Victor who not allow me to meet with you” was in fact… YOU!

Copilu’ Libertatii:
d c ejti asa sigur mah retardatule k n’am fost acasa la el??? nu m’am speriat mah d nimeni
si strada referea la orice strada… app io l’am vazut d 2 ori pe teoalida plimbandu’se cu tasumare

nu-l cunosc personal p teoalida dar il stiu din poze, abia astept sa-i fac o vizita sa-l cunosc…acu sunt in italia
johnny….copile, se vede kt de “mult” te duce capul…nu zici nimic despre u, faci misto de el, il aburezi cu nu stiu cine victor si tot felul de tampenii, te prefaci k il cunosti si defapt cre k il confunzi cu altcineva, mai scrii si in engleza si o engleza de tot plansul…parca vrei sa-l tragi intr-o capcana dar ai grija sa nu pici u…
dak te-ai fi comportat normal si nu incercai tot felul de smecherii…teoalida iti spunea tot ce vrei asa cum a facut cu mine si cu ceilalti
ai dovedit k esti total neserios, pai normal teoalida nu mai are incredere in tine..

Especially for you, dear IDIOT Jhonny, but for everyone to laugh, I’m gonna show what some of my friends said about you and our discussion. (Singapore) (Romania/Italy) (USA)

Copilu’ Libertatii:
ai dreptate rapperman.. total neserios..numai mistouri de kpu lui, e un retartat kre se straduieste din rasputeri sa devina cel mai mare idiot
el se lauda k are poze cu teoalida asa k ce dreaq mai vrea alte poze? jhonny da’i tu lu victor ce poze ai tu
haideti cu totii sa facem si noi misto de jhonny

kred k bunicata a pus pe unu sa’ti dea commenturi sa te prinda in flagrant k trimiti poze p internet si apoi sa te certe… teoalida ai grija!!! smile)
don’t try to fool someone with higher IQ than you


These guys are right, you are totally non-serious, you LIE A LOT, you are trying (and fail) to fool me.
Personally I never lie, you don’t realized this?
Show me A SINGLE LIE in my entire website (please don’t confuse LYING with REFUSAL to answer/to show)

QUOTE:”What I like today:exploring local cityes by walking,going in nature,forst,mountains”When you was last time in a situation like you said?BIG LIER!

I know you Teoalida, I know that you are a good boy and you show photos to all good people from Ploiesti. Just don’t show to Johnny, such idiots who are always lying and saying bad things to damage your image, do not need to see your photos! NEVER!!!

Jhonny are u tryin to change other person likes/dislikes? This is not for discussing. SHAME FOR YOU!

and… where is the lie?
Seriously, this time you are totally FUCKING IDIOT!!

How you can proof contrary about What I like? Do you have telepatic powers or hacked my brain and got any proof that I don’t like such things? Or due of lack of english skills you confuse What I LIKE with What I’m DOING ??

I have no idea WHAT and HOW you CAN verify… by asking such questions, but why I would hide? The biography page is vague because there’s no reason to show precise information, some international visitors even told me to delete entire page because who the hell would be interested in my personal life?? If you are really curious, Last time when I was on mountains was at 13 years, was a period in which I visited numerous places including Babele, Pestera, Omu, I STILL LIKE to go up on mountain peaks, but NOT with current train and cable car prices… Until 12 years I relied on my family will, after 12 years I started making analysis about costs/pleasure and change decisions and a new era began. Also, I was on sea/beach almost every year until 14 years, but I don’t like this anymore, I will not go again even if hotel and food will be free! Since 13 years I started to love explore the cities, some people from my neighborhood believes that I hate to go outside of urban areas (and I am afraid that you are one of them!), this is WRONG. In the new era I still was several times in nature, up to base of mountain, including Fantana cu Ciresi, Peles, Salina Slanic, and I have a big list of places where I LIKE to go, but… there’s no train or other public transport, I don’t like to drive cars and also my family don’t have a car, I have friends with cars who invited me in numerous trips, but… can you imagine what bad reaction will have my family if they see me doing such things? Even more, someone invited me to go with him to Western Europe, but I decided to NOT go, even if I love to move out from this fucking country as soon as possible… DEAR IDIOT JHONNY, NOW DO YOU UNDERSTOOD THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVING AND DOING????

Your work is great and your passion inspiring. I came across your website to look for HDB Jumbo Flat layout plans. Have you been to the HDB Gallery? Had I known you then, you would have been a great researcher/addition to the team for the interesting historical info that you have compiled. Keep it up!

Dear fucking idiot Jhonny, WHY YOU WANT TO KNOW SUCH THINGS??? Asa cum a zis si Ryuubi, pui intruna intrebari, invadezi viata privata si mai mi-o si contrazici, FARA ca tu vreodata sa fi explicat ce vrei de fapt de la mine. Si ce incredere crezi ca am in tine? Un idiot care nici macar nu raspunde la e-mail?

Copilu’ Libertatii:
mie mi’a raspuns la email big grin defapt cred k is singuru kre a schimbat o vorba p email cu jhonny…a mai primit vreunu email d la jhonny??????? fututi mortii masii d handicapat nenorocit kre vb cu orcine in afara d persoana in cauza

To help police investigation:

IP address: (static)
Organization: Sc Informatica Feroviara Sa
Language: English
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Operating system: Windows 98
Web browser: Internet Explorer 6.0
Resolution: 1024×768

IP address: (static)
Organization: Mobifon S.a.
Language: Romanian
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Operating system: Windows 7
Web browser: Google Chrome 10.0
Resolution: 1680×1050

Final note:
The mysterious “Jhonny” is an adult around 40-year old or more, living in my neighborhood, the IP locator shows Bucharest due of ISP headquarters. But he acts like a 10-year old retarded kid! He is trying to fool me in the worst way, without any skills, no wonder that he FAILED.
He made a number of terrible childlish mistakes which gave him away (I am not referring about IP or visitor data). His account [email protected] was created on 03/21/2011, proving that was made specially for talking with us without disclosing his original/previous ID which could lead to disclose his identity. Sorry but I can’t trust him. He visited my website every weekday (monday-friday) at 9:00 AM and also later until 2:00 PM (work), also in the evening from another IP (home), but never in weekend. Everyone who entered in my home knows several THINGS that Jhonny did not know. Everyone who visited my home knows that some of what Jhonny says are false/lies. So he is a stranger, he did NOT know me personally, he is badly informed by third-persons who never talked with me. I know that my idiotic grandma lied to neighbors about my situation. He also misunderstood the purpose of my website which is targeted to worldwide rather than to real life friends, while most of my real life friends never visit my website. This combination caused him to make terrible WRONG concusions, like that I hate to show myself and disclose real life.
If he is from my city, is a potential real life friend, I would show him my photos as I did with everyone else, and other things not shown on this website, after we meet. But due of unexpected intervention of my friends I decided to not, to keep him in suspense, to observe his behavior and laugh about his stupidities. Apparently he invents stupid reasons to convince me to not meet with him, very dubious behavior… I never understand what he wants from me, for what he is fighting, but he not looks to want anything good. If he will ever decide to visit me, I am home….

Jhonny sucks:
My name says it all.

I read all comments… Jhonny do u think that u are funny? u are NOT! what are u trying? TO SHOW US HOW IDIOT YOU ARE???
I don’t understand the point of all this “funny” chat.
Teoalida, what this guy wants from you? why you keep his stupid comments?
Jhonny, why u post all these comments? Do us a favor and SHOOT YOURSELF!!

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE WANTED FROM ME… he finally answered 2 times my emails, he didn’t asked me many things to answer, but I asked him more things and he don’t answer anymore. He keep LYING and LYING, saying that has met my grandma, but even my grandma deny to know any such person, said that Jhonny says stupid things and told me to ignore this idiot.
Jhonny said via email that he got numerous emails from website visitors, congratulating him for posting the “truth” about me on my website, which is impossible because my website is aimed to foreigners and never visited by my real-life friends (unless I told them to visit, and I don’t), then, of the 3000 visitors every month, less than 20 accessed Biography page where the comments were originally posted. I will not delete comments, I rather removed the comments widget from the public pages and keep them in this Funny Chat page.

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